Bob Nelson, CCIM CRE is the Commercial Real Estate Expert on the popular “Real Estate Today” talk radio show which is aired daily in the Willamette Valley of Oregon for over 17 years. Bob and residential specialist Co-host, Marcia Edwards, bring you the inside track on real estate at 5:30pm weekdays on KPNW. Show guests are among the most dynamic investment real estate experts in the Pacific Northwest.
How to Sell an Apartment Complex
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, talks with Marcia about the most effective way to position yourself as a seller for an apartment complex.
The Real Estate Landscape in Early 2021
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, discusses with Marcia about the real estate investment landscape in this current era.
Investing with Commercial Real Estate Loans
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, and commercial loan officer Isaac Grant talk about commercial real estate loans and how the process works right now.
The Investment Real Estate Market
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, discusses the current state of the investment real estate market and how to invest right now.
Landlordship During Eviction Moratorium
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, talks with Marcia about what landlords are dealing with during the eviction moratorium and what they can do both to stay ahead and receive aid.
The Buying and Selling Process
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, talks with Marcia about preparing to buy a property and preparing to sell a property.
Real Estate Investing in 2021
Topics: Guest René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker, talks with Marcia about the approach to real estate investment.
Tenants and Landlords During COVID
Topics: A look at what tenants and landlords are facing due to COVID-19 and some options for how to handle it.
The 1031 Exchange and the Future
Topics: A talk about the 1031 exchange and its current place in real estate investing with a focus on its potential retirement.
How to Plan for the Future with Your Investments
Topics: A discussion of various aspects to account for in order to carefully and successfully plan out your future investments.
Planning Your Investments in the Current Market
Topics: A look at planning out your investment portfolio during the pandemic market.
The Tenant-Landlord Relationship in COVID-19
Topics: A discussion of costs attributed to the tenant and to the landlord and what the apartment market looks like during the pandemic.
How to Invest During COVID-19
Topics: This playlist takes a look both at the changes the real estate investment market is seeing due to COVID-19 and how to approach them.
Real Estate in the Current Market
Topics: The real estate market is shifting- here’s how to approach it and some of the strategies that an investor should employ.
Selling Real Estate Properties
Topics: From residential to commercial, here’s what an investor needs to consider when selling a property.
Commercial Real Estate Loans
Topics: A discussion and explanation of loans in commercial real estate investing with commercial loans officer Isaac Grant.
Real Estate Investment during COVID-19
Topics: A variety of topics covering advice for those investing during COVID-19.
The 1031 Exchange Strategy
Topics: How a smart investor should approach the 1031 exchange.
Building in Real Estate
Topics: A discussion of the current supply-side issue and the reasons behind it.
Smart Investing and Partnerships
Topics: The dynamics of real estate partnerships and smart investing strategies.
Risk in Real Estate Investing
Topics: How to properly manage risk in your investments.
Risk Reduction
Topics: What it means to reduce risk in your real estate investing, and how to manage investment risk.
Planning Your Investing
Topics: Advice on how to plan your real estate investing and moving into your next investment with a 1031 exchange.
Improving Your Investing
Topics: Both how and why to start real estate investing and an explanation of investing approaches that a new investor may not be savvy on.
Aiming for Financial Security
Topics: Different angles on approaching financial security and stability.
Long-Term Investing
Topics: A look at how to plan long-term investments.
Making Smarter Investments
Topics: Getting the most out of your investments by looking at the ideal traits of an investment property.
Financial Legacy
Topics: A discussion on approaching retirement and preparing your assets to be passed to others.
The Current Real Estate Market
Topics: A look at what trends we’re seeing in the Real Estate market, in the context of the local Eugene area.
Income Properties
Topics: Different perspectives on approaching income properties in the current market.
DOS: Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths
Topics: How to evaluate your abilities as a seller in ensuring consumer confidence.
The Shifting Real Estate Market
Topics: A discussion of the changing technologies and service model of the real estate industry.
Loans and Lending
Topics: A look into loan types and options for real estate investors
Real Estate Exchange
Topics: A discussion on tax-deferred exchange scenarios.
Topics: Being a smart buyer in a seller’s market.
The Current Market
Topics: A look into the current state of the real estate market.
Real Estate Transactions
Topics: Steps to take to ensure your real estate transactions go smoothly, and what to do when they don’t.
Property Management
Topics: Both a discussion on different aspects of managing your property and the benefits of professional property management.
Working in a Shifting Market
Topics: Looking into both the state of the market and how to work within it.
A Buyer’s Mindset
Topics: A look into what a seller needs to keep in mind in order to make their property attractive to a buyer in the current market.
Being a Smart Buyer
Topics: Tips on how to make the most out of your next real estate investment purchase.
The Market Climate
Topics: What’s going on and what to do in the market and the after-effects of rent control.
Planning for the Future
Topics: What to do to ensure your business both grows its income and can be passed on.
1031 Exchange
Topics: What it takes to do a successful 1031 exchange – Bob Nelson shares his experience and game plan