Let’s discuss real estate investing and its benefits.
Bob Nelson, Eugene real estate investment broker
Marcia Edwards, Eugene residential real estate broker
Marcia Edwards: Today, I’m going to defer this program to Bob because we’ve been talking about residential real estate and what’s going on in the marketplace and why you might want to act now and what you need to do in steps and timeframes.
Bob, let’s talk about the investing side of things.
Bob Nelson: Well, investing in real estate is an interesting opportunity. There are some that would view it to be way too scary. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, maybe that’s correct.
But at the same time, there are several books that are out that would allow an individual to understand investing and real estate. Doug Marshall, a good friend of mine, has one out that is available Amazon et cetera, an outstanding book that takes you through the principles. Now, that doesn’t give you the experience, but it does give you the principles of what you’re supposed to be doing.
Marcia Edwards: What’s Doug’s book called?
Bob Nelson: Doug’s book is called Mastering the Art of Commercial Real Estate Investing: How to Successfully Build a Net Worth Using Investment Real Estate. It’s very, very well written. Doug’s a friend of mine. We’re both CCIMs, which means we’re the PhD in commercial investment real estate. Outstanding book.
Now, you can gain this information very inexpensively. It’s a well written book, but you also need then that individual who understands you, will pull out your needs, your concerns, your strengths, your weaknesses, your opportunities and push together a strategy that would allow you to use that to your advantage.
Marcia Edwards: I would strongly urge you to consider giving Bob a call, because Bob, what he does, he doesn’t make you feel silly for what you have not done. And if you’ve done it wrong, that’s okay too. He’s been pretty forgiving.
So he’ll also say there’s ways to reboot and redirect and go in the direction you want to go. And you can do it quickly, but you don’t want to waste time going the wrong direction and wandering. So for efficiency and smart choices fast, give Bob Nelson a call.
Bob Nelson: I appreciate that, Marcia. It’s an interesting process of putting together what you understand, plus being able to pull out the needs and wants of the individual and their capacity.
Marcia Edwards: Investing in real estate seems scary, but I would urge you to consider doing it. It’s something that you can see, touch, feel. I love the idea of land over the papers and documents in the stock market. Sorry, stock broker brother, but it’s just the case. Real estate’s something that long-term consistently stair steps upward.
Join Eugene, Oregon, real estate experts: Bob Nelson, Real Estate Investment Broker with Pacwest Real Estate Investments, and Marcia Edwards, Residential Real Estate Broker with Windermere Real Estate, daily at 5:30pm on KPNW for the “Real Estate Today” radio show.
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